Game of Phones: If Mobile OS were Characters in Westeros!

Smartphone geek? Game of Thrones fan? Some of us from YugaTech seem to be both, and we connected the lines between the two. Say hello to Game of Phones: If Operating Systems were Characters in Westeros!


Click on image to enlarge (may contain spoilers)

From the richest and the premium, the market-disrupting smartphones from North of the Wall to an army building up from Essos holding the powers of PureView and a few dragons – we have you covered. A lot of things won’t perfectly fit as you’d expect, and a lot of houses aren’t to be found here, but these are the best similarities you can find (Stannis vs Renly, Samsung vs HTC).

Feel free to add and speak out the similarities and the differences that you can find down in the comments section down below. Hodor? Hodor.

Louie Diangson contributed to the infographic.

The post Game of Phones: If Mobile OS were Characters in Westeros! appeared first on YugaTech | Philippines, Tech News & Reviews.

Game of Phones: If Mobile OS were Characters in Westeros!

Smartphone geek? Game of Thrones fan? Some of us from YugaTech seem to be both, and we connected the lines between the two. Say hello to Game of Phones: If Operating Systems were Characters in Westeros!


Click on image to enlarge (may contain spoilers)

From the richest and the premium, the market-disrupting smartphones from North of the Wall to an army building up from Essos holding the powers of PureView and a few dragons – we have you covered. A lot of things won’t perfectly fit as you’d expect, and a lot of houses aren’t to be found here, but these are the best similarities you can find (Stannis vs Renly, Samsung vs HTC).

Feel free to add and speak out the similarities and the differences that you can find down in the comments section down below. Hodor? Hodor.

Louie Diangson contributed to the infographic.

The post Game of Phones: If Mobile OS were Characters in Westeros! appeared first on YugaTech | Philippines, Tech News & Reviews.

Yo, Hodor is an app to talk like Hodor with your friends

If you’ve been watching Game of Thrones, you probably know the character Hodor. He is a servant of the Stark family that has some sort of speech impediment and could only say one thing – Hodor! A parody of the app Yo! which does nothing else but send a “Yo!” alert to your contacts, Yo, Hodor offers the ability to communicate with your friends in a way that only a true Hodor-ist (Hodor-ian?) would understand.



When you have the app, you must first add contacts in order to be able to Hodor them. In turn when someone Hodors you, you get a push notification along with a “Hodor!” sound clip. That’s pretty much what the app does. It’s one of those things you download that are so much fun, but really has no point.

Yo, Hodor! is free for download at the App Store. Though it’s still exclusive to Apple users, programmer Tyler Hedrick is looking forward to releasing an Android version soon.

Season four of Game of Thrones has just ended, and it’s a bit of a long wait until the next season arrives. Maybe we can just Hodor each other until the wait is over and we can finally see more episodes…and more of Hodor, of course!

Hodor! (Source)

The post Yo, Hodor is an app to talk like Hodor with your friends appeared first on YugaTech | Philippines, Tech News & Reviews.