Global brand Chevrolet and One World Futbol Project Deliver Their 1 Millionth Football

Chevrolet, in partnership with One World Futbol Project and in an effort to demonstrate all things are possible through play, has reached an epic milestone with the delivery of the 1 millionth One World Futbol donated by the brand.

The 1 millionth One World Futbol was among those balls presented Saturday to the Mabu-a-tlou girls’ primary school in Hammanskraal, South Africa. The delivery took place during the unveiling of the Mabu-a-tlou Lebala La Metshameko (“Mabu-a-tlou Playground”), which Chevrolet revitalized to enable greater participation in football for the Hammanskraal Girls Soccer program and surrounding community.

“For Chevrolet, it’s not just about what the One World Futbol is, but what the ball enables us to do,” said Tim Mahoney, chief marketing officer, Global Chevrolet. “The donation of the 1 millionth ball is a tremendous milestone in our effort to help children everywhere realize that through play all things are possible.”

Chevrolet executives were joined in South Africa by One World Futbol Project Founders Tim Jahnigen and Lisa Tarver, Manchester United legend Gary Bailey, local dignitaries and schoolchildren to celebrate delivery of the 1 millionth One World Futbol.

“One World Futbol Project is about play – when play happens, progress happens,” said Jahnigen. “When we play, conflicts are momentarily forgotten, collaboration begins, despair is replaced by joy. Play enables hope, opportunity and optimism in the most dire of situations. While the ball technology is unique, the real magic is not in the ball, it is what happens when children are allowed to play. The ball is a tool that unlocks the human potential. We are so grateful to our founding sponsor. Through our collaboration with Chevrolet, we are fulfilling our mission to maximize the power of play and transform lives.”

As founding sponsor of One World Futbol Project in 2012, Chevrolet committed to support the donation and distribution of 1.5 million Chevrolet-branded One World Futbols over three years. Through One World Futbol Project, these balls are distributed to programs and schools in war-stricken zones, refugee camps, disaster areas and other disadvantaged communities worldwide, working with a broad network of organizations that use sport and play to teach conflict resolution, gender equality, health awareness and other essential life skills.

Chevrolet-branded One World Futbols have been delivered to more than 60 countries and have brought play to an estimated 30 million youth in Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia including:

• One World Futbols delivered to Colombia are teaching children to use play as a way to overcome or find relief from life’s daily challenges, as well as providing local youth an alternative activity in deprived areas. • One World Futbols helped transform a Chicago (USA) neighborhood associated with gang culture into a place where children can play and learn valuable life skills. • In the most remote areas of Kenya, One World Futbols are helping girls find their voices in a place where women have few rights. • Play was brought to orphanages and schools in the most rural regions of Thailand, where seven out of every 100 Thai children do not have parents to care for them. • With the help of the Philippine Army and seven non-profit organizations namely, World Vision Philippines, SOS Children’s Village Philippines, Fairplay for All, Young Men’s Christian Association of the Philippines, Salesian Society of St. John Bosco Philippines, LBC Foundation and the Philippine Marine Corps and’s “Footballs for Peace” Project, the 17,000 One World Futbols donated to the Philippines allowed Filipino children of underprivileged communities discern the power of play in building themselves a brighter tomorrow.

The ultra-durable One World Futbol represents a breakthrough in technology for a recreational, multi-sport ball as it never goes flat, even when punctured multiple times, and will last for years in even the harshest play environments.

Delivery of the 1 millionth One World Futbol and the unveiling of the Mabu-A-Tlou Lebala La Metshameko pitch is part of Chevrolet’s global “What Do You #PlayFor?” campaign, launched in March to bring football fans closer to the sport and demonstrate that through play all things are possible.

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