BYAHILO at the Armscor Shooting Range

Just recently, BYAHILO was invited at an event where part of the activity is a shootfest in Armscor Shooting Range at Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City.

armscor shooting range, makati

When I learned that we were actually be shooting using real guns I was hesitant at first.

In my entire lifetime, I have never ever tried holding a gun, much more firing it.

So when the event organizers asked for the first batch of volunteers, I stepped back so that I won’t get noticed if no one volunteers.

But after seeing how thrilled the first group, I volunteered to be on the second batch.

I was really really nervous. We were made to load the bullets to the magazine ourselves. The loading process alone was already a challenge for me. I just can’t seem to insert the bullets as they keep on slipping out of the magazine.

When the instructor gave a clearance to start shooting, it took me a few more seconds before I finally pulled the trigger.

Until I finally mustered enough courage to pull it.

The first shot came and as expected, it was off-target.

The force absorbed by the body every firing is quite tremendous. And it really was a bad timing because I have an aching shoulders at that time. So firing gun at that time was a bit painful.

And 25 shots later, my target sheet still looks clean. I know I am lousy in firing guns but still, I had so much fun.

And at the very least, I can now say that I have finally conquered my fear of holding real guns.

Check out the short vids I took during the activity.

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BYAHILO at the Armscor Shooting Range

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