Samsung Hope, bringing hope to underprivileged kids in the country

Just recently, I attended the launch of SAMSUNG HOPE in Glorietta3. Samsung Hope is the Corporate Social Responsibility program of Samsung which aimed to help underprivileged children accross Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Three deserving beneficiaries that have made a significant contribution in addressing children’s issues were identified in each of the seven markets that Samsung operates accross the region. In the Philippines, the beneficiaries selected by Samsung are:


ATRIEV (Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation Integration and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired); and

There are two ways to help. One is to vote for your chosen foundation, where you want Samsung to give more funds; or you yourself can actually donate an amount to your chosen organization.

To make a donation or vote for a beneficiary, just go to the SamSung Hope website.

To vote for your selected beneficiary, just click on the “Make a Pledge” button. Please note that making a pledge, you do necessarily need to donate cash. But if you really wish to do more by donating an amount, you can do so by going to the Samsung Hope - Yehey site.

Check out the video below I took during the press launch. It features a blind guy playing the keyboard. He is a member of ATRIEV.

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Samsung Hope, bringing hope to underprivileged kids in the country

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