Building Your First Ever Website The Free And Easy Way

In todays business climate, when beginning your own home business, it is virtually financial suicide not to have a web site and this is the reason why nearly all new organizations have one. It is not suprising to find that there are many that exist solely in Cyberspace. If you are one of the many wanting to start their own online business you might have already priced professional web design and been shocked at the extortionate prices commanded. The following article discusses the options available to those who want build their own website focusing on the free and cheapest options.

Website Building Software

Possibly the primary reason why professional webdesign is so expensive is that a professional web site really is expensive to develop. Professional web site designers charge such high prices because they often need to pay an employee or two, on top of this they might have other costs to meet, for example transport costs, repairs and renewals, office rental and equipment leasing and this does not even include the cost of the most modern computer software and hardware, such as Dreamweaver, graphics tablets, Photoshop and the likes, that can be ridiculously costly. But there are a multitude of alternatives which are cheaper (and some free) which are more than able to handle the development of even the most complex webdesigns. It is even possible to source free website designs (frequently given as free web site templates).

Finding the free or cheap options is as easy and simple as searching on your favorite search engine. Simply search for “web design freeware” or “web design shareware”, the difference between shareware and freeware is that one is free whereas the other requests a small amount of cash for use (especially if it is being used to generate profit). You will find a surprisingly large selection of web building tools available and many are so good that some professionals use them!

One of the really cool things about free webdesign software available now is that the majority of it offers a WYSIWYG interface which makes web site creating as easy as drawing a picture. However you will really need to learn a small amount about the programming languages used in web design,for example HTML & CSS, if you want to build something different and wonderful. Even a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS will help a great deal.

Building Your First Website

If creating a web site from scratch using HTML and CSS is a tiny bit frightening then you can search the Internet for free web site templates. You will be very pleased at the superb quality of some of these designs which can be easily changed to exactly match your web design requirements. If even this method is a little too complicated for you there is another alternative which is one of the most popular ways in which to build a web site – blogs.

The fantastic thing about a blog is that they cost zilch, yes, get that, this incredibly amazing web site building platform is given freely! Of course the companies charge a small amount sometimes but mainly this small amount is for extras, such as a number of extra mb storage and other added functions. But, there are companies such as WordPress and Blogger that are useful enough to use without these added extras and the vast majority of folk are able get by with a free account forever. To start with you are allowed a small amount of web site storage for your photographs and blog posts and the whole process of creating a blog is easy and simple, so easy infact, that a child could do it. It is a little similar to a word processor, such as that included in Open Office or Microsoft Office, you simply type your content and click on “publish” and your page is immediately created.

When you are a proficient blogger you might start to notice the restrictions of a basic blogging account, it is only then when you should start to consider an upgrade or getting your own server or web space depending upon your requirements. Of course if you have some free web space from your internet service provider (ISP) then you might be able to use this for blogging. Yet another thing concerning blogging is that the software is more usually free, WordPress is the most commonly used.


Remember building your first web site web site can be as easy as searching for freeware, shareware, free web templates, free WordPress templates etc. A blog (weblog) can be about subject at all and it is very simple to build, so simple that there are many millions of bloggers on the Internet. so what is stopping you, why don’t you get started on a site today?

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