Empowering the Youth for Global Competence through I.T. Education

By Aurelie A. Peralta

The young people are always said to be the hope of the nation, the molders of the future, and the foundation of a progressive country. It is very obvious then that they should be given distinct attention in order for them to become empowered sector of our society. Empowering the youth means sharpening and developing their talents and skills in order for them to become competitive citizens in the future. Competence is the key to success in this very competitive world where only the skilled and knowledgeable managed to go and stay on top.


The job market is now in a global scope. Our professionals are not only competing within our country but to other nationalities as well. The government must be aware enough that the key to train its people is through relative and responsive education.


IT or Information Technology is among the most in demand area of specializations nowadays. The undeniable contribution of IT in terms of process automation and productivity in almost every discipline is something that must not be taken for granted. Our education system must give significant attention in the development of curricular programs aimed to enhance the computer literacy level of our youths.


Institutions offering IT education must always update their curricula to make it more responsive to the present needs of the industries worldwide. They must see to it that they are teaching the latest programming trends, applications, and other hardware related technologies that will enable their students to become marketable graduates in the future.


We must also encourage our youth to become active in joining IT organizations and clubs which most of the time are the organizers of IT-related events, workshops and seminars. These organizations are also active in setting up different IT exhibits that showcases the latest trends in IT.


IT educators are advised to also become continuous learners as they are the one that imparts the needed knowledge to their students. The ever changing trends in IT make it an obligation for them to always keep on discovering and learning new technologies regarding computers and information processing.


Students are likewise advised to become serious in their studies. They must always keep themselves updated from latest technologies. They can easily do these if they will be given easy and fast Internet access and connectivity. Parents must try their best to provide their children devices and machines that will make access to information faster and easier but they are always reminded to become watchful and vigilant to what their children are accessing through these technologies.



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