Getting a man in my remaining six months…just a weird idea for a book.

I had my wildest thought in last two days.  Okay, the first one was no different from what’s playing inside my mind everyday of my life, it’s like I think of that forever and I hate it.

Yesterday, I abondoned the horrifying idea that embraces me everytime I think about death.  Instead I say what if…what if I have only six months to live?  What will I do?

It’s my first time to ask myself…What will I do?

I saw this question once in Singapore’s bus stop, and there, the poster enumerated the list of considerably a life changing things to do of a sick person whose life will end in six month’s time.

I didn’t do my own list.  It’s hard to do a list when my hands are busy folding the laundry I took from the dryer.

Instead, I thought, I could write a book and my book is going to be about getting a man in my remaining six months.

Weird right?

The second one? I will tell you tomorrow.

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