Medicine to Full-time Blogging?

Photo courtesy of NY TimesNY Times featured a story of a full-pledged doctor, Dr. Arnold Kim, who traded medicine to become a full-time blogger.

It had been a hobby — albeit a time-consuming one — while Dr. Kim earned his medical degree. He kept at it as he completed his medical training and began diagnosing patients’ kidney problems. Dr. Kim’s Web site now attracts more than 4.4 million people and 40 million page views a month, according to Quantcast, making it one of the most popular technology Web sites.

It is enough to make Dr. Kim hang up his stethoscope. This month he stopped practicing medicine and started blogging full time.

The story scares me because I have certain ideation sometimes (that is giving up medicine for blogging). I could pretty much relate to his story. In my case, I have been having a struggle in adjusting my time on my hospital duties and blogging since I know how lucrative blogging is. I actually have thought of quitting medicine and do full-time blogging instead. I was thinking that I could earn more if I have all the time to make posts regularly and create blogs to add up to my online earnings. Thank God, however, that I was still sane enough not to give up medicine for blogging. I still think that pursuing medicine will lead me to a much brighter and fulfilling career.

I am enjoying blogging, that’s for sure, but I am enjoying medicine more. I am earning dollars from blogging now, while I am earning stress from my hospital duties, however, I am loving the respect and the regard from my patients. Medicine is undeniably more fulfilling than blogging. But it still depends on each one’s viewpoints.

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