Play your favorite game at home

I have been to Casino twice and the first time I enter the vicinity, I cannot help but to admire the entrance. It was like I was coming inside the cave. Nope, I am just kidding. It was like I was going to the theatre’s hall actually, but it was more of like a museum because I don’t know, is it the image in the Da Vinci Code that I saw?

But towards inside are the sounds of the slot machines, the sounds which the old lady in this house is very eager to hear.

I don’t really like to be inside the slot machines hall though, especially when I realized that I was losing my $10.

Just a few weeks ago, I found out that my uncle’s friends are into playing cards, blackjack in particular.

Imagine they have to travel three hours from their place to Casino Rama just to play, so when they got the chance to get some break from work they decided to come over at our place and spend most of their daytime playing blackjack in the casino since we are close there.

And three days wasn’t enough for them, geez! And they even plan for their next trip. But I don’t think they need to spend an exasperating trip in the snowy road now, because they learned about this free online blackjack and they can play their favorite games right inside their comfy home.

And now no one’s going to snatch my room for few days. That’s cool.

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