Photography fever

MY DAUGHTER GEM wants to hone her skills in photography and has been bugging me to buy her a DSLR. (Yes, she too, has caught the photography fever, hehe.)  I told her   a DSLR will have to wait because we  need to give priority to other more important and urgent matters such as her tuition fees and her brother’s Nursing board review expenses.

But that does not discourage her from pursuing this interest. She keeps taking pictures everywhere, using her cam phone. Or sometimes she borrows cams from friends.

(Side Note: I also like photography and at one time planned to enroll in photography workshops. But jeez… when you are a working mother, you’d wish there was a 13th hour on the clock just so you can squeeze in everything you need and want to do in a day.)

Here are some shots Gem took recently. Sorry I’m not good at posting pictures, as you know I’m just a mom-blogger, not a photoblogger.  )


Angels from a display shelf in the mall (friend’s Nikon camera) (more…)

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