Consider the G words and not the F words

Travis Wright of Cultivate greatness tells us how we should eliminate the use of F words and consider the G words. This is a great read mostly for young people who are starting their careers.

We must know that while FEAR is a good thing sometimes, fear is an attitude that would make us less productive and even lose our self confidence. We fear because we do not believe in ourselves which is not a good thing. I always have this feeling every time I had a job interview. We let fear control us but we should not, instead we control the fear. I realized that , maybe, it is fear that is making me not able to ace an interview or even to the point of not having a job or moving on to the final interview. In this case, we should replace fear with “GREET“. We greet fear and consider it as another challenge that we should face.

Another F word that Travis wants us to eliminate is the word FAIL. Everyone fears fail. I myself doesn’t want to fail. But through these failures we learn a lot of things which will be a lesson for us to improve. It doesn’t mean that you lose or you suck when you fail. We fail because we tried something and we challenged ourselves to face something that we believe we can do. Successful persons also fails, but they use it to improve what they felt was wrong and the reason why they failed. We may have failed so many times but the most important thing is the time when we stand up every time we fall. And every time we fall, we GROW.

How are you? FINE. A lot of people would answer fine or OK when asked something. I remember my father’s colleagues asking me and I would always reply “FINE”. And then when I read Travis entry, I realized that the word fine is not fine at all. We should be more than fine. Instead of saying fine replace it with GREAT.

Now I realized that I should greet grow and be great with everything that I do.

You may read Travis entry on How To Be Successful i Life, Eliminate the F-Words

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