Numerous Yet Unseen: The 5 Most Common Harmful Bacteria You’ll Encounter

They’re many, they’re invisible, and they’re dangerous. You’ll find them wherever you go, and there’s no chance for you to avoid them! That’s how the bacteria rolls, baby!

Don’t worry, though; you can still keep yourself safe from these infectious guys. All you need to do is practice proper hygiene, take lots of vitamin C, and stack up loads of medicine for cough and cold. That’s almost about it! Oh, and don’t forget about having proper knowledge so when you meet any of these harmful germs you’ll be ready to face them. It’s best if you know your enemy, after all! Below are the five lethal bacteria you would often encounter in your daily activities.

Streptococcus Pyogenes

This pathogen is responsible for a wide number of diseases, ranging from light cases of skin infection and sore throat to more life-threatening conditions like multiple sepsis or toxic shock syndrome. This severe bloodstream infection can affect the rest of the different systems of your body, causing a wide variety of symptoms such as increase of body temperature, breathing and heart rate, blood pressure drop, blood coagulation, and acid-base imbalance. But discomfort is the last thing you need to fuss over, since this illness could lead to your own death.

Escherichia Coli

You’ve probably heard of this kind of bacteria before in soap and disinfectant ads. Well, it does deserve to be mentioned as it’s the best known germ that causes food poisoning! E. Coli is capable of releasing toxins in your body, which it purges through violent bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. And other than gastrointestinal problems, it’s also known to cause other severe diseases like urinary tract infection, neonatal meningitis, and Gram-negative pneumonia. Luckily, these illnesses can be prevented easily; you only need to wash your hands before cooking and eating as well as avoid consuming undercooked or raw food.

Vibrio Cholera

Cholera, which is characterized by cold-like symptoms, vomiting, and diarrhea, is one of the diseases that have caused some of the worst outbreaks before the 21st century. Although it has become less of a problem in developed countries now-a-days, it still remains as one of the most life-threatening and prevalent illnesses in most third world countries. And all those fatalities throughout history are caused by its namesake, a group of microscopic comma-shaped organisms called Vibrio Cholera!

Enteritis Salmonella

This bacterium is another common cause of food poisoning, although cases are more prevalent for children. Adults secrete gastric juices that are lethal to these germs; on the other hand, infants and kids still don’t enjoy a fully developed digestive system, making them more susceptible to the E. Salmonella’s harmful effects, including severe dehydration which could become fatal if left untreated.

Salmonella Typhi

Typhoid fever is one of the potentially deadly diseases caused by this rod-shaped bacteria species, marked by high fever, weakness, stomach pains, nausea, and a lack of appetite. It may no longer be as uncommon as before, but it’s still feared all the same! Consuming something prepared by someone sick with typhoid fever, would increase your chance to catch the infection, so be careful of eating suspiciously prepared food and drinks. And on the off chance you get infected, seek medical help right away!

Don’t let yourself be caught dead with these bacteria! Practice constant vigilance and be on the lookout for any of them! That way, you protect your own health and perhaps your life!

Outbreak? Don’t Panic! 5 Debunked Myths About The Dreaded Ebola Disease

Ebola is the latest epidemic to hit the modern world. This highly dreaded disease first made its mark in Africa has caused a global frenzy ever since due to the deadliness of its symptoms. Mass hysteria is growing rampant, with many people avoiding crowds, stacking up medicine for fever, and following the news regarding the disease.

While it’s good for you to keep a sharp eye out for any signs of ebola outbreak, you shouldn’t cave in to the same fear currently crippling the world senseless. Better instead to get educated with these authentic facts that would prove, once and for all, that the virus actually isn’t as dire as it seems. Here are some myths about the disease, debunked for your convenience:

 Ebola is Highly Contagious

There’s no doubt that ebola is a communicable disease, but its mode of transmission actually makes it hard for people to catch the disease. It’s not airborne, for one thing, so you can stand close or even talk to an infected person and remain completely safe.

You can get the virus, though, from a patient’s body fluids and excrements. So if by some chance (a very low one, considering that the disease is difficult to transmit) you get in contact with someone with ebola, stay well away from their blood, vomit, fecal matter, urine, tears, sweat, and saliva.

Ebola Always Causes Bleeding

There have been loads of documented cases about ebola patients suffering from unexplained bleeding. However, not all patients do! In fact, it’s proven that only 18% of patients have showed such symptoms.

Ebola used to be called a hemorrhagic fever virus, but the World Health Organization has deemed it inappropriate because not all of its victims suffer the same problem.

Ebola Will Surely Kill You

With everything you’ve probably heard on TV, the papers, radio, and online, you’re probably thinking that contracting the disease automatically seals your fate. That, of course, is an exaggeration!

Although the virus’s mortality rate did shoot up to 90% recently, it’s because most of the victims live in West African countries, places that have very poor healthcare systems. And aside from the lack of facilities, people in those countries have been known to visit the hospital when the disease is already in its advanced stages.

Everyone With Ebola-Like Symptoms Need To Be Quarantined

They say you can never be too careful. In this case, however, being too careful will cause inconvenience to many people as well as waste a lot of time and resources. Say that the government did quarantine everyone showing ebola-like symptoms. What if it’s not the disease, but something else more minor like influenza? Seriously, they could take a few lessons so as to not confuse a flu patient from an ebola-infected one!

Ebola Can Be Caught From Someone Perfectly Healthy

It’s common knowledge that the virus has an incubation period (the time when a disease is still dormant) of 21 days. Considering the length of time you need to wait, it’s easy for you to assume that a person with ebola has been to a lot of places while the disease is still inactive, infecting several people along the way.

In reality, that’s not how things actually are! Ebola patients that still haven’t manifested any symptoms are not yet contagious, so you don’t have to worry about catching it from a completely random stranger.Ebola may be an awful disease to have, but you don’t have to fear catching it to the point that you can’t live your life properly anymore. Do all the necessary precautions to avoid the virus, but keep your facts straight, buddy!

Ebola may be an awful disease to have, but you don’t have to fear catching it to the point that you can’t live your life properly anymore. Do all the necessary precautions to avoid the virus, but keep your facts straight, buddy!

HANGOVER HEADACHE: How to Curb your Alcohol-Drinking this Christmas Season

It’s the season to be jolly once again. If you’re not feeling it, then a few spirits should give you a bit of that holiday cheer. Yes, a few – too much can lead to a handful of health problems. However, since it’s the festive time of the year again, one bottle can turn to two, even four, causing some of us to need medicine for headache and fever the morning after the drinking sessions.

Don’t be one of them; do what alcoholic drink labels tell you – drink moderately. If you’re finding it a struggle to obey it, check out these tips.

Don’t stack up at home
If you’re trying to fight your urge to drink, don’t have any in the place that’s most convenient to you: home. By refusing to have any alcohol on your abode, you won’t have anything to grab whenever you’re feeling thirsty for some shots. Also, the sheer thought of the inconvenience of having to go out and buy drinks may deter you from the idea of boozing out.

Say no
Your resolve to stay away from the drinks may be as strong as the mountain, but it can crumble when your family and friends start talking you into it. However, that shouldn’t always be the case. You need to learn how to be unaffected by their constant asking, politely refuse them, and explain your reasons why. If you either don’t have the courage to turn these people down or they don’t accept no for an answer, then you should stay away from them.

Avoid the stuff
When you are exposed to something you are trying to avoid, chances are you won’t be able to stay away from it. Therefore, if you think you really can’t help yourself but drink, steer clear of places that sell them. And if you have to go to an event and have been informed that alcohol will be served, it’s best to prepare yourself to not ask for any and ignore those who are downing a few shots and/or offering you some.

Drink slowly
There will be times when you will want or even need to take a bit of alcohol. During those cases, it’s best to stick to what health advisories say regarding the activity – drink moderately. If you can finish a bottle of beer in less than thirty minutes, then slow down your downing and make the drink last for thirty minutes, or even an hour. If hard drinks will be served, ask if you can skip a round or two of shots. This way, you’ll drink a whole lot less without you even noticing it.

Be accountable
You can always ask for help if you have trouble with yourself, especially if it’s a habit that’s hard to break. If you think you’re not strong enough to fight your desire to drink, tell your friends and family that you need their assistance. By doing so, they can remind you of your need to stay away from alcohol. And if you think you need further help, consult a doctor, counselor, or therapist, as they can provide a more rigorous and structured program to help your drinking problem.

Drinking is a difficult wanting to get rid of. However, it’s not impossible. Through self-discipline and these five tips, you can have an alcohol-free Yuletide season.