20 Years of Jagged Little Pill

This album by Alanis Morisette is one of the first CDs that I bought. I remember, I was on a vacation with my Dad in the US when I bought it. I was around 14 years old at the time if I’m not mistaken. It was probably one of the most played CDs at home because we loved listening to Jagged Little Pill. It came to the point that we can no longer play it due to the scratches it has sustained.

A few days ago, a colleague at work was playing Ironic. Of course, I had to remind her that it has already been 20 years since the album was released. I was in 1st year high school then.

Last Saturday afternoon, I find myself singing You Learn randomly. It is this song where Jagged Little Pill, the name of the album, was mentioned.

Who cannot relate to the song You Learn? We all make decisions. Sometimes, it’s a poor one but we all have to learn from it somehow right?