AuditionPH 1st Competition Game Videos

Here are the in-game video of the 1st Competition of Audition Philippines.

Read: AuditionPH 1st Competition

* If you have an AuditionPH client, download the video zip file and unzip it to the "RECDATA" folder of your Audition installation (usually C:/Program Files/e-Games/Audition/RECDATA/). NOTE: This one have four video files.
-> Zip File for AuditionPH Client.

* If you want to watch it via YouTube, now...
Finals 1st Match

Finals 2nd Match

* If you want to watch it in a high-res video using your favorite video player download the zip files below:
-> Finals 1st Match (HighRes)
-> Finals 2nd Match (HighRes)

~~First Video Details~~
BGM: Audition "Driving At Night" (random setting)
Speed: 140bpm
Mode: Choreography

~~Second Video Details~~
BGM: Audition "3254 Techno Party" (random setting)
Speed: 142bpm
Mode: Choreography


Also read: AuditionPH 1st Competition

Audition Philippines 1st Competition

On the 19th of November, 2006, 5 in the afternoon of Sunday, Audition Philippines (AuditionPH) held its first AuditionPH Contest. It was held on the last day of the Hataw! Hanep! HERO! Anime Convention where the game's Philippine publisher is the top sponsor/partner.

There were thirty players who signed up, enough to create five groups for the elimination round (six players each group). The elimination round setup was Normal Individual mode with a Random (Easy) song setting.

The winners for the quick elimination (in the alphabetical order): ayachii, DDRmaniac, Naksyo, orlanix, and Seraphim (yours truly). Then the finals...

The final round was setup in the Choreography mode with the song setting of Random All. Winners are taken if they acquire two wins. After that, all "win" scores are reset and the second winner is again taken with two wins, until there are a total of three winners.

The first winner is ayachii, winning two consecutive wins. It was a tough game as we both beat each other up from the number one spot (in-game), and with the contestants already "stiffy" because of cold hands, not that its so cold in the event area, but the battle is heating that our blood started to cool down, wait that's contradictory, anyway, you get the picture.

The second winner is Seraphim, or me ;) and the third winner is orlanix.

Congratulations to ayachii and orlanix and the rest of the brave AuditionPH contestants, we made one heck of a show that put Audition Philippines quickly to the top.

See you all in-game !!

You can watch the match videos I was able to send to my email, as well as see some pictures my supportive and sweet honey Sherlene took.

(I will be posting the videos tomorrow.)