Manila Olympics 2020

What do you say my fellow Filipinos? Shall bid for the right to host the Olympics right here in Manila in 2020? If Beijing and the other world cities can do it, why not the capital of the 90-million strong hardworking and creative Pinoys? Let’s imagine the possibilities. Cayabyab can compose the theme song; Sarah [...]

‘For younger, smoother skin’

The State of the Nation Address aside, one burning issue is the advertisement of products by national politicians. You see them on big billboards endorsing bath soaps, laundry detergents, food supplements and skin care. Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago complained to the Commission on Elections (Comelec) that such constitutes premature campaigning and partisan political activity and is [...]

Ordinance No. 36 – The right to party

This city law is long overdue. It regulates the selling and serving of liquor and alcoholic beverages in licensed establishments. In many countries worldwide, the sale of alcohol is heavily monitored. Alcohol licenses are limited and difficult to get. In the Philippines, anyone can just start selling alcohol to anyone, anytime. In fact, our babies [...]

Prices rising

The other title to this article is “To convert or not to convert.” With the effective doubling of fuel prices, I am referring to the conversion of vehicles to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to save on gas. The cost of conversion ranges from P37,000 to P60,000 depending on the type of vehicle. Let’s do the math. [...]

Letter to the President

There is nothing so fantastic and so heartening than a letter to the President of the Republic of the Philippines. It is directly addressed to the highest and most powerful officer of the land, President Gloria Arroyo, with the one-line address of Malacañang Palace, Manila. How simple can it get—an ordinary citizen writing a complaint [...]