Writing better, writing more often

So I’ve been going emo over my lack of innovation. I have figured a way out. A workaround.

I’ve been frustrated over what I couldn’t do in the tech field. A solution is to find something else to do. Something related to this blog. Writing.

I haven’t been writing much prose. I only write technical specifications for work, and blogging for you, the reader. (And of course I haven’t been blogging enough.) My technical blogging is limited. I don’t want to blog anything remotely related to what I work on. Instead, the tech I blog about is stuff that I find fun or significant. I moved the “hard” topics to another blog. I want to keep this blog for personal insights. And for essay-type blogging.

That is the main reason why I haven’t been blogging here enough. I wanted to reserve this blog for article and essay-type posts. I wanted to reach the level of the influential bloggers and tech essayists whose works stand the test of time. But now, I realize I’m not there yet. I need to improve.

I got some writing help. Hopefully, this blog will show results. This blog should warm me up to writing longer pieces, more literary, even.

The first piece of advice in essay writing I got was to write the essay as if it were a personal letter to myself. I’ll apply that to the blog. As a letter, I should be more casual and just let the words come out. I am doing that right now, instead of carefully considering every word. But, I can’t sustain writing like this if the limit is the time I’m on the PC.

I need to take down my thoughts and write down notes. The writer spends their waking time thinking of what to write about - in the same way the programmer thinks of new ways of solving problems.

So I go forward with writing better and writing more often as a goal. I may not declare my 101 goals in public (like Sacha Chua’s goals, assuming even I could even come up with that many. Now if I were as logical as her…)

People are joining the NaNoWriMo this November. Perhaps I should join them, in writing essays. Hope I could do this.

Farmout is ready for the New Consumer

According to research from Rostrvm Solutions, customers are beginning to demand multimedia contact but most call centers are far from ready to meet expectations.

Farmout according to the definition raised in the research study is almost ready. We have our website, email and multimedia contact solutions on hand and ready to be used for our campaigns. What we now need is to have our own “call me” button. Where under 15% of call centers have a ‘Call Me’ presence on the web site growing to less than 25% over 3 years.

The Multiple Intelligences of Tech

In my previous post about product and technology innovation, I complained that I lacked the skill or opportunity to create my own product. Instead, I implement plans made by others.

Now I’m thinking this is a similar to the theory of multiple intelligences: intelligence is not one-dimensional. While there are tech people like me who can design and implement a product, there are other people who can identity problems and think about the needed solutions. Product development skill - and marketing the idea - uses a different intelligence than making the idea a reality. Programming is basically problem solving, and is pointless when there is no identifiable problem.

The single person who can do both has an awesome combination.

This reminds me of a career advice post by Scott Adams, which I found through Marc Andreesen’s own career posts. To be extraordinary, being very good at two or more things is more achievable than being the best in one. Making use of the multiple intelligences of tech will help one become extraordinary.

Needless to say, that is what I want to do.