Download Wolfgang’s latest album Villains

Wolfgang Villains

Smart subscribers may download Wolfgang’s latest album “Villains” straight to their phones. All you have to do is to text WOLFGANG to 3456 (PhP 2.50 per text). Another way is to visit on your mobile phone. By the way, Wolfgang will also have a concert at Music Museum this coming March 2009 (of course this won’t be on the same date as the Eraserheads Concert on March 7, 2009. The event is dubbed as “Two Sides Live”.

Dialogues with Louie Talan at Starbucks

Dialogues with Louie Talan

Louie Talan of Razorback and owner of Wombworks Inc. had a recent talk about investing in creativity (being a creative entrepreneur). It was such an inspiring talk. He related to us about how he wished he could have been more organized when he started Wombworks and also about his project on bringing music where indigenous instruments are used to United Kingdom since the project is with a producer from UK.

Even though he was not successful in getting sponsors for this project, he’s still optimistic about this project and he is still pushing through with it. I’m glad about how he’s still optimistic in spite of the difficulty of getting sponsors in funding the project.

In the event, I also learned about British Council’s Young Creative Entrepreneur Awards where Louie Talan was the winner for the music category. For 2009’s Young Creative Entrepreneur Awards, the British Council will be sending a winner to UK on the categories: Fashion and Interactive.

By the way, thanks to Nina for the heads up about this. :)